Mediation Analysis#

In the context of causal effect estimation, we aim to evaluate the effect of a specific treatment \(A\) on the outcome \(Y\) of interest. However, there may exist other variables that can be influnced by treamtent, and affect the outcome at the same time. We denote these variables as the Mediators, denoted as \(M\).

Let’s borrow a classical example from [4] to illustrate the necessity of mediation analysis. Researchers would like to evaluate the direct effect of a birth-control pill on the incidence of thrombosis. However, it is also known that the pill has a negative indirect effect on thrombosis by reducing the probability of pregnancy. In this example, we would want to estimate the effect of birth-control pill on thrombosis in the sense that, independent of marital status and other potential mediators that may not be accounted for in the study, in order to obtain reliable and consistent results.

from IPython import display


In general mediation analysis, there are two potential paths that can cause the treatment effect on the outcome:

  1. The direct path from treament to outcome, denoted by \(A\rightarrow R\);

  2. The indirect path from treatment to outcome through the mediator \(M\), denoted by \(A\rightarrow M\rightarrow R\).

More specifically, when adjusting the action from \(A=a_0\) to \(A=a_1\), we define the total effect (TE), natural direct effect (DE), and the natural indirect effect (IE) as below:

(45)#\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \text{TE}&= \mathbb{E}[R|do(A=a_1)]-\mathbb{E}[R|do(A=a_0)]\\ \text{DE}&= \mathbb{E}[R|do(A=a_1,M=m^{(a_0)})]-\mathbb{E}[R|do(A=a_0)]\\ \text{IE}&= \mathbb{E}[R|do(A=a_0,M=m^{(a_1)})]-\mathbb{E}[R|do(A=a_0)]\\ \end{aligned} \end{equation}\]

Under the potential outcome’s structure, we define \(M_a\) as the potential mediator when treatment \(A=a\), and define \(R_{a,m}\) as the potential outcome/reward one would observe under \((A=a, M=m)\). In some literature, the above effects can be samely written as

(46)#\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \text{TE}&= \mathbb{E}[R_{a_1,m_{a_1}}]-\mathbb{E}[R_{a_0,m_{a_0}}]\\ \text{DE}&= \mathbb{E}[R_{a_1,m_{a_0}}]-\mathbb{E}[R_{a,m_{a_0}}]\\ \text{IE}&= \mathbb{E}[R_{a_1,m_{a_1}}]-\mathbb{E}[R_{a_1,m_{a_0}}]\\ \end{aligned} \end{equation}\]



  1. Consistency: \(M_a = M\) when \(A=a\), and \(R_{a,m}=R\) when \(A=a, M=m\).

  2. No unmeasured confounders (i.e. NUC): \(\{R_{a',m},M_a\}\perp A|X\), and \(R_{a',m}\perp M|A=a,X\).

  3. Positivity: \(p(m|A,X)>0\) for each \(m\in \mathcal{M}\), and \(p(a|X)>0\) for each \(a\in \mathcal{A}\).

Under the above three assumptions, Imai et al. [3] proved the identifiability of \(\mathbb{E}[R_{1,M_0}]\) and \(\mathbb{E}[R_{a,M_a}]\) in binary action space, which is given by

(47)#\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \mathbb{E}[R_{1,M_0}] &= \int\int \mathbb{E}[R|A=1,M=m,S=s]p(m|A=0,S=s)p(s) d\mu(m,s)\\ \mathbb{E}[R_{a,M_a}] &= \int\int \mathbb{E}[R|A=a,M=m,S=s]p(m|A=a,S=s)p(s) d\mu(m,s) \end{aligned} \end{equation}\]


In this section, we introduce three estimators that are commonly used in mediation analysis when no unmeasured confounders (NUC) assumption holds.

1. Direct Estimator#

The first estimator is the direct method, which is a plug-in estimator based on the identification result above. Since TE, DE and IE can be written as a function of \(\mathbb{E}[R_{a,m_{a'}}]\), it suffice to estimate them separately for any \(a, a'\in \mathcal{A}\) and construct a DM estimator as below:

(48)#\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \widehat{\text{DE}}_{\text{DM}}&= \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i,m} \bigg\{R(S_i,a_1,m)p(m|S_i,a_0)-R(S_i,a_0,m)p(m|S_i,a_0)\bigg\}\\ \widehat{\text{IE}}_{\text{DM}}&= \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i,m} \bigg\{R(S_i,a_1,m)p(m|S_i,a_1)- R(S_i,a_1,m)p(m|S_i,a_0)\bigg\} \end{aligned} \end{equation}\]

2. IPW Estimator#

The second estimator in literature is named as the inverse probability weighting estimator, which is similar to the IPW estimator in ATE. Under the existence of mediators, the IPW estimators [2] of DE and IE are given by

(49)#\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \widehat{\text{DE}}_{\text{IPW}}&= \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N \bigg\{\frac{\mathbb{1}\{A_i=a_1\}\rho(S_i,A_i,M_i)}{p_a(A_i|S_i)}-\frac{\mathbb{1}\{A_i=a_0\}}{p_a(A_i|S_i)}\bigg\}\cdot R_i\\ \widehat{\text{IE}}_{\text{IPW}}&= \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N \bigg\{\frac{\mathbb{1}\{A_i=a_1\}}{p_a(A_i|S_i)}-\frac{\mathbb{1}\{A_i=a_1\}\rho(S_i,A_i,M_i)}{p_a(A_i|S_i)}\bigg\}\cdot R_i \end{aligned} \end{equation}\]

where \(\rho(S,A,M)=\frac{p(M|S,A=a_0)}{p(M|S,A)}\) is the probability ratio that can adjust for the bias caused by distribution shift.

3. Multiple Robust (MR) Estimator#

The last estimator is called the multiple robust estimator, which was proposed by Tchetgen and Shpitser [5] based on the efficient influence function in semiparametric theory. The final MR estimator for DE and IE are derived as

(50)#\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \widehat{\text{DE}}_{\text{MR}}&= \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N \bigg[\frac{\mathbb{1}\{A_i=a_1\}}{p_a(A_i|S_i)}\rho(S_i,A_i,M_i)\big\{R_i-\mathbb{E}[R|S_i,A_i=1,M_i]\big\}\\ &+\frac{\mathbb{1}\{A_i=a_0\}}{p_a(A_i|S_i)}\big\{\mathbb{E}[R|S_i,A_i=1,M_i]-R_i-\eta(a_1,a_0,S)+\eta(a_0,a_0,S)\big\}+\eta(a_1,a_0,S)-\eta(a_0,a_0,S)\big\}\bigg]\\ \widehat{\text{IE}}_{\text{MR}}&= \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N \bigg[\frac{\mathbb{1}\{A_i=a_1\}}{p_a(A_i|S_i)}\Big\{R_i-\eta(a_1,a_1,S)-\rho(S_i,A_i,M_i)\big\{R_i-\mathbb{E}[R|S_i,A=1,M_i]\big\}\Big\}\\ &-\frac{\mathbb{1}\{A_i=a_0\}}{p_a(A_i|S_i)}\big\{\mathbb{E}[R|S_i,A=1,M_i]-\eta(a_1,a_0,S_i)\big\}+\eta(a_1,a_1,S_i)-\eta(a_1,a_0,S_i)\bigg] \end{aligned} \end{equation}\]

Data Demo#

1. AURORA Data#

import pandas as pd
from causaldm.learners.CEL.MA import _env_getdata_AURORA
AURORA_CEL = _env_getdata_AURORA.get_aurora_CEL()
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [2], in <cell line: 2>()
      1 import pandas as pd
----> 2 from causaldm.learners.CEL.MA import _env_getdata_AURORA
      3 AURORA_CEL = _env_getdata_AURORA.get_aurora_CEL()

ImportError: cannot import name '_env_getdata_AURORA' from 'causaldm.learners.CEL.MA' (D:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\causaldm\learners\CEL\MA\
Index(['Female', 'Age', 'Non-Hispanic White', 'Education',
       'pre-trauma physical health', 'pre-trauma mental health',
       'Chronic Perception of Severity of Stress', 'Neuroticism',
       'Childhood trauma', 'pre-trauma insomnia (cont)',
       'peritraumatic distress', 'W2 acute stress disorder', 'W2 ptsd',
       'W2 Depression', '3 month ptsd'],
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.hist(AURORA_CEL['pre-trauma insomnia (cont)'],bins=10)
(array([326., 274., 242., 187.,  98., 148., 109.,  48.,  50.,  12.]),
 array([-8.55287818, -5.75287818, -2.95287818, -0.15287818,  2.64712182,
         5.44712182,  8.24712182, 11.04712182, 13.84712182, 16.64712182,
 <BarContainer object of 10 artists>)
# import related packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt;
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

n = len(AURORA_CEL)
state = AURORA_CEL[['Female', 'Age', 'Non-Hispanic White', 'Education',
       'pre-trauma physical health', 'pre-trauma mental health',
       'Chronic Perception of Severity of Stress', 'Neuroticism',
       'Childhood trauma']]
action = AURORA_CEL['pre-trauma insomnia (cont)']
mediator = AURORA_CEL[['peritraumatic distress', 'W2 acute stress disorder', 'W2 ptsd',
       'W2 Depression']]
reward = AURORA_CEL['3 month ptsd']

AURORA_CEL_MD = {'state':state,'action':action,'mediator':mediator,'reward':reward}
action[np.where(action>=0)[0]] = 1
action[np.where(action<0)[0]] = 0
/var/folders/9j/vb5nb4rd5bx0gr1q5ytx9q600000gn/T/ipykernel_35787/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
  action[np.where(action>=0)[0]] = 1
/var/folders/9j/vb5nb4rd5bx0gr1q5ytx9q600000gn/T/ipykernel_35787/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
  action[np.where(action<0)[0]] = 0
from causaldm.causaldm.learners.Causal_Effect_Learning.Mediation_Analysis.ME_Single import ME_Single
# Control Policy
def control_policy(state = None, dim_state=None, action=None, get_a = False):
    if get_a:
        action_value = np.array([0])
        state = np.copy(state).reshape(-1,dim_state)
        NT = state.shape[0]
        if action is None:
            action_value = np.array([0]*NT)
            action = np.copy(action).flatten()
            if len(action) == 1 and NT>1:
                action = action * np.ones(NT)
            action_value = 1-action
    return action_value

def target_policy(state, dim_state = 1, action=None):
    state = np.copy(state).reshape((-1, dim_state))
    NT = state.shape[0]
    pa = 1 * np.ones(NT)
    if action is None:
        if NT == 1:
            pa = pa[0]
            prob_arr = np.array([1-pa, pa])
            action_value = np.random.choice([0, 1], 1, p=prob_arr)
            raise ValueError('No random for matrix input')
        action = np.copy(action).flatten()
        action_value = pa * action + (1-pa) * (1-action)
    return action_value
problearner_parameters = {"splitter":["best","random"], "max_depth" : range(1,50)},
Direct_est = ME_Single(AURORA_CEL_MD, r_model = 'OLS',
                     problearner_parameters = problearner_parameters,
                     truncate = 50, 
                     target_policy=target_policy, control_policy = control_policy, 
                     dim_state = 9, dim_mediator = 4, 
                     expectation_MCMC_iter = 50,
                     nature_decomp = True,
                     seed = 10,
                     method = 'Direct')

Direct_est.est_DE, Direct_est.est_ME, Direct_est.est_TE,
(1.5699712042262648, 1.35390067425173, 2.923871878477995)
IPW_est = ME_Single(AURORA_CEL_MD, r_model = 'OLS',
                     problearner_parameters = problearner_parameters,
                     truncate = 50, 
                     target_policy=target_policy, control_policy = control_policy, 
                     dim_state = 9, dim_mediator = 4, 
                     expectation_MCMC_iter = 50,
                     nature_decomp = True,
                     seed = 10,
                     method = 'IPW')

IPW_est.est_DE, IPW_est.est_ME, IPW_est.est_TE,
(6.1833766092547435, 1.0830496488123182, 7.266426258067062)
Robust_est = ME_Single(AURORA_CEL_MD, r_model = 'OLS',
                     problearner_parameters = problearner_parameters,
                     truncate = 50, 
                     target_policy=target_policy, control_policy = control_policy, 
                     dim_state = 9, dim_mediator = 4, 
                     expectation_MCMC_iter = 50,
                     nature_decomp = True,
                     seed = 10,
                     method = 'Robust')

Robust_est.est_DE, Robust_est.est_ME, Robust_est.est_TE,
(1.082810672178048, 2.6367679712306544, 3.7195786434087026)
Robust_DE = np.zeros(5)
Robust_IE = np.zeros(5)
Robust_TE = np.zeros(5)

Robust_DE[0] = Robust_est.est_DE
Robust_IE[0] = Robust_est.est_ME
Robust_TE[0] = Robust_est.est_TE
for i in range(1,5):
    mediator_1d = mediator.iloc[:,i-1]
    AURORA_CEL_1D = {'state':state,'action':action,'mediator':mediator_1d,'reward':reward}
    Robust_est = ME_Single(AURORA_CEL_1D, r_model = 'OLS',
                         problearner_parameters = problearner_parameters,
                         truncate = 50, 
                         target_policy=target_policy, control_policy = control_policy, 
                         dim_state = 9, dim_mediator = 1, 
                         expectation_MCMC_iter = 50,
                         nature_decomp = True,
                         seed = 10,
                         method = 'Robust')

    Robust_DE[i] = Robust_est.est_DE
    Robust_IE[i] = Robust_est.est_ME
    Robust_TE[i] = Robust_est.est_TE
Mediators_index = ["Overall"]
['Overall', array(['peritraumatic distress', 'W2 acute stress disorder', 'W2 ptsd',
       'W2 Depression'], dtype=object)]
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['Mediators'] = np.array(['Four mediators in Total','peritraumatic distress', 'W2 acute stress disorder', 'W2 ptsd','W2 Depression'])

df['DE'] = np.round(Robust_DE.reshape(-1, 1), 3)
df['IE'] = np.round(Robust_IE.reshape(-1, 1), 3)
df['TE'] = np.round(Robust_TE.reshape(-1, 1), 3)

Mediators DE IE TE
0 Four mediators in Total 1.083 2.637 3.720
1 peritraumatic distress 3.262 0.234 3.496
2 W2 acute stress disorder 1.017 2.435 3.452
3 W2 ptsd 1.101 2.699 3.800
4 W2 Depression 2.465 0.748 3.214

treatment effect#

n = len(AURORA_CEL)
#userinfo_index = np.array([3,5,6,7,8,9,10])
SandA = AURORA_CEL[['Female', 'Age', 'Non-Hispanic White', 'Education',
       'pre-trauma physical health', 'pre-trauma mental health',
       'Chronic Perception of Severity of Stress', 'Neuroticism',
       'Childhood trauma','pre-trauma insomnia (cont)']]
Female Age Non-Hispanic White Education pre-trauma physical health pre-trauma mental health Chronic Perception of Severity of Stress Neuroticism Childhood trauma pre-trauma insomnia (cont)
0 0 -10.131861 1 -0.151941 5.741954 0.476881 3.776439 7.879518 -2.062249 1.0
1 1 13.868139 0 2.848059 6.081954 1.706881 -1.223561 6.879518 11.937751 0.0
2 0 -11.131861 1 2.848059 -2.718046 -16.393119 3.776439 14.879518 16.937751 0.0
3 0 15.868139 0 5.848059 -28.418046 -21.323119 3.776439 13.879518 0.937751 1.0
4 1 22.868139 1 -5.151941 0.241954 -4.483119 3.776439 8.879518 -9.062249 0.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1489 1 -15.131861 1 -2.151941 2.641954 3.506881 1.776439 -7.120482 -9.062249 0.0
1490 0 22.868139 0 2.848059 4.321954 4.656881 -3.223561 -12.120482 13.937751 1.0
1491 1 -4.131861 1 -2.151941 7.841954 9.146881 -3.223561 -13.120482 -9.062249 0.0
1492 0 -5.131861 0 -2.151941 5.231954 7.216881 -0.223561 2.879518 -9.062249 0.0
1493 0 -14.131861 1 -2.151941 7.441954 -2.333119 1.776439 4.879518 -9.062249 0.0

1494 rows × 10 columns

# S-learner
S_learner = GradientBoostingRegressor(max_depth=5), reward)
SandA_all1 = SandA.copy()
SandA_all0 = SandA.copy()
SandA_all1['pre-trauma insomnia (cont)']=np.ones(n)
SandA_all0['pre-trauma insomnia (cont)']=np.zeros(n)

ATE_DM = np.sum(S_learner.predict(SandA_all1) - S_learner.predict(SandA_all0))/n
# propensity score model fitting
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

ps_model = LogisticRegression(),  action)
pi_S = ps_model.predict_proba(state)
ATE_IS = np.sum((action/pi_S[:,1] - (1-action)/pi_S[:,0])*reward)/n
np.sum(action*(reward-S_learner.predict(SandA_all1))/pi_S[:,1] - (1-action)*(reward-S_learner.predict(SandA_all0))/pi_S[:,0])/n
# combine the DM estimator and IS estimator
ATE_DR = ATE_DM + np.sum(action*(reward-S_learner.predict(SandA_all1))/pi_S[:,1] - (1-action)*(reward-S_learner.predict(SandA_all0))/pi_S[:,0])/n
# mediation effect
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['DE','IE','TE'],index=['four mediators in total'])
df.iloc[0,] = [round(Robust_est.est_DE,3), round(Robust_est.est_ME,3), round(Robust_est.est_TE,3)]
four mediators in total 1.083 2.636768 3.719579
# treatment effect
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['DM','IS','DR'],index=['treatment effect'])
df.iloc[0,] = [round(ATE_DM,3), round(ATE_IS,3), round(ATE_DR,3)]
treatment effect 2.324 3.583 3.001

2. Covid19 Data#

import os
import pandas as pd
Covid19_CEL = pd.read_csv('./causaldm/data/covid19.csv')
A Shenzhen Guangzhou Beijing Chengdu Shanghai Dongguan Suzhou Xian Hangzhou ... Shangqiu Yueyang Zhumadian Changde Nanyang Yichun Xinyang Anqing Jiujiang Y
0 0 12.292852 14.637413 11.913318 9.513904 9.951952 10.795226 8.010544 7.147116 7.071851 ... 1.266743 1.045451 1.026626 0.794902 1.157263 1.012273 0.940021 0.693004 0.797915 0.500000
1 0 11.427091 13.792291 11.098134 9.176879 9.740606 10.069790 8.111048 6.927152 6.917465 ... 1.264442 1.065442 1.042891 0.762210 1.123276 0.971190 0.944849 0.717563 0.782914 1.095238
2 0 10.760591 13.172900 10.868353 8.536234 9.939283 10.098691 8.088660 6.262078 6.735539 ... 1.208682 0.955573 1.069427 0.698803 1.084979 0.902696 0.899230 0.633096 0.769921 0.477273
3 0 12.454398 14.250654 11.939562 9.149566 10.784729 11.779052 8.719391 6.173107 7.448533 ... 1.226761 0.964872 1.125997 0.729486 1.135069 0.921326 0.925182 0.662126 0.828047 1.400000
4 0 15.140390 16.108600 13.047156 9.815548 11.533363 15.173536 9.308488 6.199351 7.838208 ... 1.107659 0.944363 1.028927 0.715424 1.018883 0.925700 0.820400 0.639058 0.878947 0.807692
5 0 18.062158 17.586850 14.469484 10.326334 13.479242 17.650710 10.264352 6.682694 8.736854 ... 1.204114 1.037254 1.075291 0.779771 1.060582 1.021507 0.796522 0.680173 0.951977 0.294326
6 0 24.530267 20.571570 17.428835 12.473093 17.179841 21.077723 12.149741 7.637036 10.281233 ... 1.204114 1.046941 1.168571 0.811361 1.052676 0.972389 0.864756 0.701395 0.995490 0.109589
7 0 25.897320 19.382069 17.289806 13.041032 17.683110 21.672166 13.529203 7.909618 10.029841 ... 1.250219 1.108112 1.210270 0.863557 1.155546 1.055981 1.000739 0.749153 0.995393 0.192593
8 0 25.482535 19.164017 19.656821 14.651928 18.708246 19.588910 14.148011 8.490420 10.440770 ... 1.347127 1.144951 1.270242 0.921650 1.215292 1.102442 0.982433 0.801220 1.037740 0.287785
9 0 27.171677 22.030898 23.854759 19.128409 22.576126 18.770616 16.191284 10.435813 12.084196 ... 1.605906 1.307340 1.474589 1.099494 1.373177 1.253232 1.124960 0.867672 1.146863 0.136656
10 0 21.894203 19.635793 23.820545 20.845285 21.278246 12.950636 14.930212 11.173367 10.965229 ... 1.370520 1.184868 1.296518 1.052125 1.178420 1.140642 1.001873 0.828338 1.050149 0.080622
11 0 17.782546 17.214282 23.914472 22.644101 19.630285 8.992847 12.822527 12.474421 10.188018 ... 1.345831 1.115597 1.228738 0.996008 1.097064 0.981428 0.926802 0.829375 0.990533 -0.013089
12 1 13.192243 13.280890 18.643705 18.702932 17.017906 6.253913 9.882940 11.059254 7.509737 ... 1.164002 0.993222 0.934286 0.946955 0.993287 0.844765 0.716947 0.736582 0.871981 -0.112732
13 1 5.649070 6.621102 8.116686 9.858802 7.429514 2.851297 4.776376 5.181538 3.740580 ... 0.935064 0.719345 0.759164 0.641585 0.651791 0.540918 0.933250 0.507287 0.469476 0.082212
14 1 3.603982 4.724633 5.303232 7.312939 4.179535 1.980677 3.236501 3.528457 2.656411 ... 1.327752 1.076134 1.299791 0.936846 1.181952 0.839581 1.539065 0.909695 0.693490 0.226519
15 1 2.528723 3.417358 3.668425 5.043352 2.848219 1.364526 2.062001 2.410301 1.871230 ... 1.475528 1.144627 1.231135 1.126969 1.357398 0.983761 1.193422 1.097615 0.838285 -0.171171
16 1 1.876705 2.463145 2.434180 3.511868 1.921547 1.050862 1.366664 1.753326 1.281971 ... 1.309997 0.980845 1.002650 1.022058 1.032005 0.805918 1.060452 1.125673 0.747338 -0.035326
17 1 1.606716 1.988680 1.813622 2.686867 1.432760 0.928552 1.074092 1.395144 0.947214 ... 1.112098 0.881150 0.896476 1.002845 0.916207 0.701719 0.867089 0.964613 0.667084 -0.028169
18 1 1.524647 1.808017 1.606230 2.339734 1.215940 0.950746 0.921715 1.220864 0.834689 ... 1.039230 0.792536 0.855976 0.924145 0.838933 0.679882 0.776855 0.864724 0.625158 -0.194203
19 1 1.376806 1.638014 1.428127 1.903468 1.053162 0.893333 0.826913 1.059934 0.711601 ... 0.905191 0.597521 0.799891 0.754369 0.733082 0.605912 0.650462 0.715133 0.540011 -0.086331
20 1 1.324318 1.604902 1.240240 1.678514 0.941771 0.853870 0.713999 0.979322 0.616151 ... 0.712055 0.463547 0.557215 0.588222 0.473332 0.490730 0.426028 0.610805 0.424375 -0.129921
21 1 1.425470 1.787702 1.371460 1.939302 0.995036 0.940572 0.799697 1.127974 0.644533 ... 0.808024 0.487328 0.679655 0.636077 0.505732 0.551934 0.427194 0.720673 0.465912 -0.119910
22 1 1.512886 1.614200 1.222873 1.902820 0.931370 0.935323 0.742122 1.076328 0.511175 ... 0.659210 0.398034 0.508583 0.481010 0.334271 0.442130 0.314993 0.574808 0.323708 -0.012853
23 1 1.231297 1.336565 1.064632 1.691572 0.771898 0.755795 0.555790 0.826524 0.377654 ... 0.463709 0.298825 0.384718 0.390226 0.231304 0.293252 0.237298 0.407236 0.208753 -0.187500
24 1 1.095703 1.326748 0.995069 1.561226 0.689310 0.758128 0.536836 0.751842 0.328633 ... 0.442843 0.317066 0.344704 0.432572 0.222232 0.263768 0.236682 0.413294 0.201139 -0.134615
25 1 1.112065 1.308668 0.848588 1.496653 0.631476 0.753268 0.488916 0.658012 0.287518 ... 0.452855 0.368485 0.305532 0.549990 0.226249 0.283597 0.255247 0.420746 0.231887 -0.174074
26 1 1.123373 1.341781 0.936619 1.448701 0.607144 0.780030 0.488851 0.602057 0.247115 ... 0.512957 0.437562 0.307703 0.774619 0.272419 0.290434 0.297724 0.444755 0.256219 -0.255605
27 1 1.095412 1.440439 1.013504 1.414357 0.610546 0.890255 0.512341 0.571795 0.249934 ... 0.600437 0.716202 0.380214 1.153991 0.348203 0.350406 0.359122 0.605135 0.347911 -0.289157
28 1 1.086858 1.482754 0.947506 1.316801 0.626033 0.920290 0.583686 0.558284 0.269568 ... 0.595220 1.123405 0.366314 1.195333 0.334984 0.400108 0.395086 0.606463 0.410411 -0.271186
29 1 1.437782 1.738454 1.033301 1.221707 0.695304 1.084946 0.659016 0.564570 0.292928 ... 0.551027 0.872629 0.374933 0.788778 0.311137 0.351248 0.413392 0.450814 0.372341 -0.360465
30 1 1.015837 1.396958 0.901724 0.952949 0.620428 0.857758 0.526792 0.436590 0.248962 ... 0.437627 0.522839 0.301417 0.502103 0.274428 0.232308 0.308740 0.295520 0.225860 -0.090909
31 1 0.995587 1.330279 0.886270 0.834527 0.656683 0.879530 0.525366 0.432540 0.286967 ... 0.518789 0.455188 0.322412 0.449485 0.348494 0.236520 0.295650 0.286870 0.214488 -0.873563
32 1 0.957841 1.388632 0.875351 0.830671 0.674438 0.940637 0.531976 0.439182 0.316094 ... 0.531587 0.445144 0.340297 0.448254 0.360742 0.249350 0.296428 0.302875 0.213581 -0.424242
33 1 1.025266 1.409206 0.826394 0.816610 0.645473 1.057374 0.544352 0.409633 0.348300 ... 0.458590 0.384232 0.315997 0.400205 0.328763 0.280001 0.247244 0.280584 0.213905 -0.052632
34 1 0.847292 1.199707 0.807311 0.791759 0.614239 0.896800 0.520700 0.434322 0.364986 ... 0.516326 0.421654 0.294775 0.432475 0.319950 0.318913 0.210438 0.269082 0.239209 0.000000
35 1 1.419055 1.741241 0.908431 0.955282 0.779803 1.225012 0.722066 0.528898 0.528379 ... 0.663617 0.538099 0.322801 0.482760 0.354683 0.398066 0.240667 0.335632 0.288036 -0.444444
36 1 1.159110 1.644332 0.912514 1.006085 0.814860 1.225400 0.734929 0.505570 0.716072 ... 0.881734 0.582487 0.436298 0.607565 0.509652 0.551902 0.411350 0.418997 0.459529 -0.645161
37 1 1.304294 1.796126 0.914522 1.095768 0.906228 1.343434 0.856688 0.531166 0.808380 ... 0.997596 0.624607 0.522742 0.600113 0.597650 0.659275 0.439182 0.439279 0.510786 -0.363636

38 rows × 32 columns

# import related packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt;
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

n = len(Covid19_CEL)
state = np.zeros(n).reshape(-1, 1)
#state = np.array(Covid19_CEL['Beijing']).reshape(-1, 1)
action = np.array(Covid19_CEL['A'])
mediator = np.array(Covid19_CEL['Y'])
reward = np.array(Covid19_CEL['Tianjin'])
MovieLens_CEL_MD = {'state':state,'action':action,'mediator':mediator,'reward':reward}
from causaldm.causaldm.learners.Causal_Effect_Learning.Mediation_Analysis.ME_Single import ME_Single
# Control Policy
def control_policy(state = None, dim_state=None, action=None, get_a = False):
    if get_a:
        action_value = np.array([0])
        state = np.copy(state).reshape(-1,dim_state)
        NT = state.shape[0]
        if action is None:
            action_value = np.array([0]*NT)
            action = np.copy(action).flatten()
            if len(action) == 1 and NT>1:
                action = action * np.ones(NT)
            action_value = 1-action
    return action_value

def target_policy(state, dim_state = 1, action=None):
    state = np.copy(state).reshape((-1, dim_state))
    NT = state.shape[0]
    pa = 1 * np.ones(NT)
    if action is None:
        if NT == 1:
            pa = pa[0]
            prob_arr = np.array([1-pa, pa])
            action_value = np.random.choice([0, 1], 1, p=prob_arr)
            raise ValueError('No random for matrix input')
        action = np.copy(action).flatten()
        action_value = pa * action + (1-pa) * (1-action)
    return action_value
problearner_parameters = {"splitter":["best","random"], "max_depth" : range(1,50)},
Direct_est = ME_Single(MovieLens_CEL_MD, r_model = 'OLS',
                     problearner_parameters = problearner_parameters,
                     truncate = 50, 
                     target_policy=target_policy, control_policy = control_policy, 
                     dim_state = 1, dim_mediator = 1, 
                     expectation_MCMC_iter = 50,
                     nature_decomp = True,
                     seed = 10,
                     method = 'Direct')

Direct_est.est_DE, Direct_est.est_ME, Direct_est.est_TE,
(-4.730690894257576, 0.13369489173373478, -4.5969960025238406)
IPW_est = ME_Single(MovieLens_CEL_MD, r_model = 'OLS',
                     problearner_parameters = problearner_parameters,
                     truncate = 50, 
                     target_policy=target_policy, control_policy = control_policy, 
                     dim_state = 1, dim_mediator = 1, 
                     expectation_MCMC_iter = 50,
                     nature_decomp = True,
                     seed = 10,
                     method = 'IPW')

IPW_est.est_DE, IPW_est.est_ME, IPW_est.est_TE,
(-5.143298762540704, 0.5474864933099358, -4.595812269230768)
Robust_est = ME_Single(MovieLens_CEL_MD, r_model = 'OLS',
                     problearner_parameters = problearner_parameters,
                     truncate = 50, 
                     target_policy=target_policy, control_policy = control_policy, 
                     dim_state = 1, dim_mediator = 1, 
                     expectation_MCMC_iter = 50,
                     nature_decomp = True,
                     seed = 10,
                     method = 'Robust')

Robust_est.est_DE, Robust_est.est_ME, Robust_est.est_TE,
(-4.592741884817156, -0.001726777600432909, -4.594468662417588)
Robust_DE = np.zeros(30)
Robust_IE = np.zeros(30)
Robust_TE = np.zeros(30)

for i in range(1,31):
    state = np.zeros(n).reshape(-1, 1)
    #state = np.array(Covid19_CEL['Beijing']).reshape(-1, 1)
    action = np.array(Covid19_CEL['A'])
    mediator = np.array(Covid19_CEL['Y'])
    reward = np.array(Covid19_CEL.iloc[:,i])
    MovieLens_CEL_MD = {'state':state,'action':action,'mediator':mediator,'reward':reward}
    Robust_est = ME_Single(MovieLens_CEL_MD, r_model = 'OLS',
                         problearner_parameters = problearner_parameters,
                         truncate = 50, 
                         target_policy=target_policy, control_policy = control_policy, 
                         dim_state = 1, dim_mediator = 1, 
                         expectation_MCMC_iter = 50,
                         nature_decomp = True,
                         seed = 10,
                         method = 'Robust')

    Robust_DE[i-1] = Robust_est.est_DE
    Robust_IE[i-1] = Robust_est.est_ME
    Robust_TE[i-1] = Robust_est.est_TE
# Analysis of causal effects of 2020 Hubei lockdowns on reducing the COVID-19 spread in China regulated by Chinese major cities outside Hubei
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['cities'] = np.array(Covid19_CEL.columns.values[1:31])

df['DE'] = np.round(Robust_DE.reshape(-1, 1), 3)
df['IE'] = np.round(Robust_IE.reshape(-1, 1), 3)
df['TE'] = np.round(Robust_TE.reshape(-1, 1), 3)

cities DE IE TE
0 Shenzhen -19.438 2.918 -16.521
1 Guangzhou -15.709 0.842 -14.867
2 Beijing -16.170 1.922 -14.248
3 Chengdu -11.453 1.053 -10.400
4 Shanghai -15.216 1.969 -13.247
5 Dongguan -14.952 1.367 -13.586
6 Suzhou -11.025 1.037 -9.989
7 Xian -6.854 0.235 -6.619
8 Hangzhou -8.516 0.500 -8.016
9 Zhengzhou -8.311 0.924 -7.387
10 Chongqing -3.731 -0.081 -3.812
11 Changsha -6.421 0.679 -5.742
12 Nanjing -5.251 0.134 -5.117
13 Kunming -4.399 0.136 -4.263
14 Tianjin -4.593 -0.002 -4.594
15 Hefei -3.771 0.163 -3.608
16 Nanning -3.629 0.323 -3.306
17 Wenzhou -2.717 -1.192 -3.909
18 Nanchang -2.197 0.056 -2.141
19 Zhoukou -0.416 -0.153 -0.570
20 Fuyang -0.485 -0.058 -0.543
21 Shangqiu -0.408 -0.104 -0.512
22 Yueyang -0.404 -0.032 -0.437
23 Zhumadian -0.444 -0.154 -0.598
24 Changde -0.165 0.016 -0.149
25 Nanyang -0.440 -0.158 -0.598
26 Yichun -0.473 -0.062 -0.536
27 Xinyang -0.176 -0.241 -0.416
28 Anqing -0.062 -0.103 -0.165
29 Jiujiang -0.493 -0.017 -0.510


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