
  • Advantage: It is more scalable and efficient than UCB by utilizing features.

  • Disadvantage:

  • Application Situation: discrete action space, Gaussian reward space

Main Idea#

Supposed there are \(K\) options, and the action space is \(\mathcal{A} = \{0,1,\cdots, K-1\}\). LinUCB[1] uses feature information to guide exploration by assuming a linear model between the expected potential reward and the features. Specifcially, for the Gaussain bandits, we assume that

(124)#\[\begin{align} E(R_{t}(a)) = \theta_a = \boldsymbol{s}_a^T \boldsymbol{\gamma}. \end{align}\]
(125)#\[\begin{align} U_a^t = \boldsymbol{s}_a^T \hat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} + \alpha\sqrt{\boldsymbol{s}_a^T \boldsymbol{V}^{-1} \boldsymbol{s}_a}, \end{align}\]

As for the Bernoulli bandits, we assume that

(126)#\[\begin{align} \theta_{a} = logistic(\boldsymbol{s}_a^T \boldsymbol{\gamma}), \end{align}\]
(127)#\[\begin{align} U_a^t = \boldsymbol{s}_a^T \hat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} + \alpha\sqrt{\boldsymbol{s}_a^T \boldsymbol{V}^{-1} \boldsymbol{s}_a}, \end{align}\]

Finally, using the estimated upper confidence bounds, \(A_t = \arg \max_{a \in \mathcal{A}} U_a^t\) would be selected.

Key Steps#

  1. Initializing \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}=\boldsymbol{0}\) and \(\boldsymbol{V} = I\), and specifying \(\alpha\);

  2. For t = \(0, 1,\cdots, T\):

    • Calculate the upper confidence bound \(U_a^t\);

    • Select action \(A_t\) as the arm with the maximum \(U_a^t\);

    • Receive the reward R, and update \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}\), \(V\).

Demo Code#

Import the learner.#

import numpy as np
from causaldm.learners.CPL4.CMAB import LinUCB
WARNING (theano.tensor.blas): Using NumPy C-API based implementation for BLAS functions.

Generate the Environment#

Here, we imitate an environment based on the MovieLens data.

from causaldm.learners.CPL4.CMAB import _env_realCMAB as _env
env = _env.Single_Contextual_Env(seed = 0, Binary = False)

Specify Hyperparameters#

  • K: number of arms

  • p: number of features per arm

  • alpha: rate of exploration

  • seed: random seed

  • exploration_T: number of rounds to do random exploration at the beginning

alpha = .1
K = env.K
p = env.p
seed = 42
exploration_T = 10
LinUCB_Gaussian_agent = LinUCB.LinUCB_Gaussian(alpha = .1, K = K, p = p, seed = seed, exploration_T = exploration_T)

Recommendation and Interaction#

Starting from t = 0, for each step t, there are three steps:

  1. Observe the feature information X = env.get_Phi(t)

  2. Recommend an action A = LinUCB_Gaussian_agent.take_action(X)

  3. Get the reward from the environment R = env.get_reward(t,A)

  4. Update the posterior distribution LinUCB_Gaussian_agent.receive_reward(t,A,R,X)

t = 0
X, feature_info = env.get_Phi(t)
A = LinUCB_Gaussian_agent.take_action(X)
R = env.get_reward(t,A)
(0, 4, 4.0, (25.0, 1.0, 'college/grad student'))

Interpretation: For step 0, the TS agent encounter a male user who is a 25-year-old college/grad student. Given the information, the agent recommend a Sci-Fi (arm 4), and receive a rate of 4 from the user.

Demo Code for Bernoulli Bandit#

The steps are similar to those previously performed with a Gaussian Bandit.

env = _env.Single_Contextual_Env(seed = 0, Binary = True)
K = env.K
p = env.p
seed = 42
alpha = 1 # exploration rate
retrain_freq = 1 #frequency to train the GLM model
exploration_T = 10
LinUCB_GLM_agent = LinUCB.LinUCB_GLM(K = K, p = p , alpha = alpha, retrain_freq = retrain_freq, 
                                     seed = seed, exploration_T = exploration_T)
t = 0
X, feature_info = env.get_Phi(t)
A = LinUCB_GLM_agent.take_action(X)
R = env.get_reward(t,A)
(0, 3, 0, (25.0, 1.0, 'college/grad student'))

Interpretation: For step 0, the TS agent encounter a male user who is a 25-year-old college/grad student. Given the information, the agent recommend a Thriller (arm 3), and receive a rate of 0 from the user.


[1] Chu, W., Li, L., Reyzin, L., & Schapire, R. (2011, June). Contextual bandits with linear payoff functions. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (pp. 208-214). JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings.