Meta Thompson Sampling#


  • Advantage: When task instances are sampled from the same unknown instance prior (i.e., the tasks are similar), it efficiently learns the prior distribution of the mean potential rewards to achieve a regret bound that is comparable to that of the TS algorithm with known priors.

  • Disadvantage: When there is a large number of different tasks, the algorithm is not scalable and inefficient.

  • Application Situation: Useful when there are multiple similar multi-armed bandit tasks, each with the same action space. The reward space can be either binary or continuous.

Main Idea#

The Meta-TS[1] assumes that the mean potential rewards, \(\mu_{j,a} = E(R_{j,t}(a))\), for each task \(j\) are i.i.d sampled from some distribution parameterized by \(\boldsymbol{\gamma}\). Specifically, it assumes that

(130)#\[\begin{equation} \begin{alignedat}{2} &\text{(meta-Prior)} \quad \quad\quad\quad \boldsymbol{\gamma} &&\sim Q(\boldsymbol{\gamma}), \\ &\text{(Prior)} \quad \; \quad\quad\quad\quad \boldsymbol{\mu}_j | \boldsymbol{\gamma} &&\sim g(\boldsymbol{\mu}_j | \boldsymbol{\gamma})\\ &\text{(Reward)} \quad \; R_{j,t}(a) = Y_{j,t}(a) &&\sim f(Y_{j,t}(a)|\mu_{j,a}). \end{alignedat} \end{equation}\]

To learn the prior distribution of \(\boldsymbol{\mu}_{j}\), it introduces a meta-parameter \(\boldsymbol{\gamma}\) with a meta-prior distribution \(Q(\boldsymbol{\gamma})\). The Meta-TS efficiently leverages the knowledge received from different tasks to learn the prior distribution and to guide the exploration of each task by maintaining the meta-posterior distribution of \(\boldsymbol{\gamma}\). Theoretically, it is demonstrated to have a regret bound comparable to that of the Thompson sampling method with known prior distribution of \(\mu_{j,a}\). Both the

Considering a Gaussian bandits, we assume that

(131)#\[\begin{equation} \begin{alignedat}{2} &\text{(meta-Prior)} \quad \quad\quad\quad \boldsymbol{\gamma} &&\sim Q(\boldsymbol{\gamma}), \\ &\text{(Prior)} \quad \; \quad\quad\quad\quad \boldsymbol{\mu}_j |\boldsymbol{\gamma} &&\sim g(\boldsymbol{\mu}_j |\boldsymbol{\gamma})=\boldsymbol{\gamma}+ \boldsymbol{\delta}_{j}, \\ &\text{(Reward)} \quad \; R_{j,t}(a) = Y_{j,t}(a) &&= \mu_{j,a} + \epsilon_{j,t}, \end{alignedat} \end{equation}\]

Similarly, considering the Bernoulli bandits, we assume that

(132)#\[\begin{equation} \begin{alignedat}{2} &\text{(meta-Prior)} \quad \quad\quad\quad \boldsymbol{\gamma} &&\sim Q(\boldsymbol{\gamma}), \\ &\text{(Prior)} \quad \; \quad\quad\quad\quad \boldsymbol{\mu}_j |\boldsymbol{\gamma} &&\sim Beta(\boldsymbol{\gamma}), \\ &\text{(Reward)} \quad \; R_{j,t}(a) = Y_{j,t}(a) &&= Bernoulli(\mu_{j,a}). \end{alignedat} \end{equation}\]

While various meta-priors can be used, by default, we consider a finite space of \(\boldsymbol{\gamma}\),

(133)#\[\begin{equation} \mathcal{P} = \{(\alpha_{i,j})_{i=1}^{K}, (\beta_{i,j})_{i=1}^{K}\}_{j=1}^{L}, \end{equation}\]

which contains L potential instance priors and assume a categorical distribution over the \(\mathcal{P}\) as the meta-prior. See [1] for more information about the corresponding meta-posterior updating.

Remark. While the original system only supported a sequential schedule of interactions (i.e., a new task will not be interacted with until the preceding task is completed), we adjusted the algorithm to accommodate different recommending schedules.

Key Steps#

For \((j,t) = (0,0),(0,1),\cdots\):

  1. Approximate the meta-posterior distribution \(P(\boldsymbol{\gamma}|\mathcal{H})\) either by implementing Pymc3 or by calculating the explicit form of the posterior distribution;

  2. Sample \(\tilde{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} \sim P(\boldsymbol{\gamma}|\mathcal{H})\);

  3. Update \(P(\boldsymbol{\mu}|\tilde{\boldsymbol{\gamma}},\mathcal{H})\) and sample \(\tilde{\boldsymbol{\mu}} \sim P(\boldsymbol{\mu}|\tilde{\boldsymbol{\gamma}},\mathcal{H})\);

  4. Take the action \(A_{j,t}\) such that \(A_{j,t} = argmax_{a \in \mathcal{A}} \tilde\mu_{j,a}\);

  5. Receive reward \(R_{j,t}\).

Demo Code#

Import the learner.#

import numpy as np
from causaldm.learners.CPL4.Meta_Bandits import meta_TS_Gaussian
WARNING (theano.tensor.blas): Using NumPy C-API based implementation for BLAS functions.

Generate the Environment#

Here, we imitate an environment based on the MovieLens data.

from causaldm.learners.CPL4.Meta_Bandits import _env_realMultiTask as _env
env = _env.MultiTask_Env(seed = 0, Binary = False)

Specify Hyperparameters#

  • K: number of arms

  • N: number of tasks

  • sigma: the standard deviation of the reward distributions

  • sigma_0: the standard deviation of the prior distribution of the mean reward of each arm

  • sigma_q: the standard deviation of the meta prior distribution

  • order: = ‘episodic’, if a sequential schedule is applied (Note: When order = ‘episodic’, meta-posterior is updated once a task is finished; otherwise, meta-posterior will be updated at every step)

  • seed: random seed

K = env.K
N = env.N
seed = 42
order = 'episodic'
sigma = 1
sigma_0 = 1 
sigma_q = 1

meta_TS_Gaussian_agent = meta_TS_Gaussian.meta_TS_agent(sigma = sigma, sigma_0 = sigma_0, sigma_q = sigma_q,
                                                        N = N, K = K, order = order, seed = seed)

Recommendation and Interaction#

Starting from t = 0, for each step t, there are three steps:

  1. Recommend an action A = LinTS_Gaussian_agent.take_action(X)

  2. Get a reward from the environment R = env.get_reward(t,A)

  3. Update the posterior distribution of the mean reward of each arm meta_TS_Gaussian_agent.receive_reward(i, t, A, R, episode_finished = False)

    • if a sequential schedule is applied and a task is finished, we would update the meta posterior by setting episode_finished = True;

    • if the schedule is not sequential, no specification of the parameter episode_finished is needed, and the meta-posterior distribution would be updated at every step automatically

i = 0
t = 0
A = meta_TS_Gaussian_agent.take_action(i,t)
R = env.get_reward(i,t,A)
meta_TS_Gaussian_agent.receive_reward(i, t, A, R, episode_finished = False)
(0, 0, 3, 2.0)

Interpretation: Interacting with Task 0, at step 0, the TS agent recommends a Thriller (arm 3) and receives a rate of 2 from the user.

Remark: use meta_TS_Gaussian_agent.meta_post to get the most up-to-date meta-posterior; use meta_TS_Gaussian_agent.posterior_u[i][A] to get the most up-to-date posterior mean of \(\mu_{i,a}\) and meta_TS_Gaussian_agent.posterior_cov_diag[i][A] to get the corresponding posterior covariance.

Demo Code for Bernoulli Bandit#

The steps are similar to those previously performed with a Gaussian Bandit. Note that, when specifying the prior distribution of the expected reward, the mean-precision form of the Beta distribution is used here, i.e., Beta(\(\mu\), \(\phi\)), where \(\mu\) is the mean reward of each arm and \(\phi\) is the precision of the Beta distribution. As we discussed before, we consider using a meta prior with L potential instance priors. Therefore, in implementing the meta-TS algorithm under Bernoulli bandits, we need to specify a list of candidate means of Beta priors. Specifically, three additional parameters are introduced:

  • phi_beta: the precision of Beta priors

  • candi_means: the candidate means of Beta priors

  • Q: categorical distribution of candi_means, i.e., each entry is the probability of each candidate mean being the true mean (\(\gamma\))

  • update_freq: if the recommending schedule is not sequential, we will update the meta-posterior every update_freq steps

from causaldm.learners.CPL4.Meta_Bandits import meta_TS_Binary
env = _env.MultiTask_Env(seed = 0, Binary = True)
K = env.K
N = env.N
seed = 42
phi_beta = 1/4
candi_means = [np.ones(K)*.1,np.ones(K)*.2,np.ones(K)*.3,np.ones(K)*.4,np.ones(K)*.5]
Q =  np.ones(len(candi_means)) / len(candi_means)
update_freq = 1
order = 'episodic'

meta_TS_Binary_agent = meta_TS_Binary.meta_TS_agent(phi_beta=phi_beta, candi_means = candi_means, Q = Q,
                                                    N = N, K = K, update_freq=update_freq, order = order,
                                                    seed = seed)
i = 0
t = 0
A = meta_TS_Binary_agent.take_action(i,t)
R = env.get_reward(i,t,A)
meta_TS_Binary_agent.receive_reward(i, t, A, R, episode_finished = False)
(0, 0, 1, 0)

Interpretation: Interacting with Task 0, at step 0, the TS agent recommends a Drama (arm 1) and receives a rate of 0 from the user.

Remark: use meta_TS_Binary_agent.Q to get the most up-to-date meta-posterior; use (meta_TS_Binary_agent.posterior_alpha[i], meta_TS_Binary_agent.posterior_beta[i]) to get the most up-to-date posterior Beta(\(\alpha\),\(\beta\)) distribution of \(\mu_{i,a}\).


[1] Kveton, B., Konobeev, M., Zaheer, M., Hsu, C. W., Mladenov, M., Boutilier, C., & Szepesvari, C. (2021, July). Meta-thompson sampling. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 5884-5893). PMLR.

[2] Basu, S., Kveton, B., Zaheer, M., & Szepesvári, C. (2021). No regrets for learning the prior in bandits. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 34, 28029-28041.