Mimic3 is a large open-access anonymized single-center database which consists of comprehensive clinical data of 61,532 critical care admissions from 2001–2012 collected at a Boston teaching hospital. Dataset consists of 47 features (including demographics, vitals, and lab test results) on a cohort of sepsis patients who meet the sepsis-3 definition criteria.
Due to the privacy concerns, we utilized a subset of he original Mimic3 data that is publicly available on Kaggle. For illustration purpose, we selected several representative features for the following analysis:
Glucose: glucose values of patients
paO2: The partial pressure of oxygen
PaO2_FiO2: The partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2)/fraction of oxygen delivered (FIO2) ratio.
SOFA: Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment score to describe organ dysfunction/failure.
iv-input: the volumn of fluids that have been administered to the patient.
died_within_48h_of_out_time: the mortality status of the patient after 48 hours of being administered.